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The Wise Ones: S1 Ep9 Help! Is it Growing Pains or Does My Kid Need Therapy?
In this episode, Weena Wise and Ongisa Ichile-Mckenzie discuss the topic of parenting and how to determine if therapy is right for your...

Featured Article: How does co-parenting affect my kid?
How does co-parenting affect my kid? “Children can stand to gain more when both parents contribute their strengths to their growth and...

Featured Article: 11 Signs of Controlling Parents & How to Deal With It as an Adult
Parenting is no easy feat, and different parents have different parenting styles. But in the case of controlling parents, also referred...

Radio Show: The Parent TRAP: Signs Your Relationship Isn't Ready for a Baby
The Parent TRAP: Signs Your Relationship Isn't Ready for a Baby Listen to the Show on Radio One

Change of Plans: What to Expect on the Road to Becoming a Single Parent
Single parenting is not a new phenomenon, however the process of discovering that you will not be able to raise your child while in a...

Featured Article: How to Plan Your First Device Free Dinner
With students gaining access to devices earlier and earlier, having a device free dinner can be easier said than done. So, how can...

Featured Article: Teenage Consumers: Teaching Teens To Be Smart Consumers
Little kids are hoarders. Whether it’s fast food toys, action figures, rocks, or all the above, more is always better at that age. But as...

Featured Article: What parents should be doing to teach their kids body-positivity
It's no secret that people's relationships with their bodies can be fraught and complicated. And that behavior can start at an early age....

Featured Article: How To Talk To Your Partner About Having Another Baby
Disagreements about the number of children to have is one of the most difficult topics for a couple. This is true even if you have...

Keeping the Peace Between Your Partner and Your Kids
Question: "I constantly feel trapped between my partner and my child from a previous relationship. It appears they both want me to choose...
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